dance styles - cuban salsa

Cuban Salsa 1 | Beginners

Cuban Salsa 1 | Beginners

Requirements to join Level 1

If you have never danced Cuban Salsa, then you will need to go through one Level 0 Introduction class. Please visit our how to join page to sign up for the introduction class. Our Cuban Salsa 1 – Beginners level is for anyone who has already been through the introduction class or knows the following 3 things:

Check our YouTube to see what the above steps look like. 

What you can expect in Level 1

In Cuban Salsa 1, you will learn many new things. At this level, you can expect a strong focus on learning the proper leading / follow technique, as this is absolutely crucial for becoming a good social dancer. You will also learn many new figures & variations found in our Salsa 1 syllabus, the basics of salsa musicality as well as learning to dance in Rueda.

How to join?

You can join Salsa 1 after completing one Level 0 Introduction class

Or if you already know the basics, come for a brief 15 min free feedback session where we can allocate you to the most suitable level in DanceDifferent.