
Dance Academy

Our Dance Academy Story

A passionate group of teachers who don't take themselves too seriously.

At first glance, it may seem that DanceDifferent is just a simple dance academy. However, we wouldn’t be here if we were just a dance school. We are here because we love our community!

We are a group of people who share similar values, who spend their time actively, creatively and socially, with people who have decided to invest their time in self-development and learning to dance.

We are here because every DanceDifferent teacher is still enthusiastic about the dances that we teach.

Dancedifferent Dance Academy

Our Dance Academy Philosophy

What we believe in.

Growing the community.

In our dance academy, we don't just teach a lesson and go home. We analyse our lessons, gather feedback from students and visit dance clubs together. We attend dance festivals all over Europe and spend sunny weekends with our students in the park.

Our students.

We pay attention to and are aware of the level of our students. Our relationships are transparent and honest. We support those who are ready to advance to a higher level. At the same time we provide feedback and specific goals to those who don't yet have the skills to move up to a higher level. ​

Dance as a lifestyle.

DanceDifferent is not a 10-week course, after which we promise that you will learn to dance. DD is a community and dance is a lifestyle. If your goal is to learn a few figures and go dancing in the club, you can be satisfied with DD after 3 months. If your goal is to become a great dancer, you will still be with us after 3 years.

Giving back.

If we prosper, so should others. For this reason, since 2017, we donate part of all our profits to causes that we support. Take a look at who we were fortunate to help so far.

Not gossiping.

We respect all other dance academies & teachers. You will never hear us speak negatively about any other dance teachers or dance schools.

15 minute trials.

Every student in DanceDifferent must pass a 15 minute consultation before being allowed to join a higher level. This is extremely important in order to keep our lessons of high quality.